Today marks the 6th year since I incorporated my small
company. Thanks to all of you for your wishes and for reminding me of this
small, yet an important, milestone for numerous reasons.
I started working for myself in 2011 (about a decade and
a half behind schedule but a start nevertheless) in the pursuit of a
more important and lifelong dream. While I am still a long ways from it even
now, I believe I have actually made some progress in the last year or so and
for that, I am happy.
My company and I, and sometimes they mean the
exact same thing if you know what I mean!, have been working on building a
software product for a little while now and while it certainly doesn’t intend
to or is capable of solving world hunger, it still has taken its own sweet
time for a variety of reasons, not the least of it being my inefficiency
to manage it better. I shamelessly admit it. I’ve failed many a times over
these years and it hasn’t been for the one reason that I actually thought might
make it more challenging – the technical aspects. It has been just
about everything else.
In any case, every failure created a learning opportunity
and if you are a coder, you might agree with me that we tend to learn more from
bugs and exceptions and errors than from features that magically end up working
in the very first attempt or iteration. Several technology stacks and numerous
feature changes later, I have a feeling I am now in the right direction at
least to the extent I am able to foresee.
As I think about celebrating my company’s 6th anniversary
and the little bit it has been able to accomplish over the years. It
has been a remarkable journey despite the fact that I’ve only achieved about
20% of my goals and have a significant portion of it to go still! Regardless, I
would like to thank all my clients (previous, current and future ones), and
the recruiters who helped me find them, for keeping me employed over these
years and thereby, helping me keep my dreams afloat. You make all the
difference to my dreams & my pursuit of them.
While my heart desires that I quit everything else I am
doing right now to focus all my energies solely on building my product, I
realize I still have to wait a bit longer. However, I am closer than ever to
taking the plunge and that very thought gives me goose pimples. Till that
happens though, I will continue to rely on my clients to help me and my company stays
afloat. I promise I’ll do the very best I can, as always, and will give
you no less than the best bang for your buck.
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